1. Wizard101 Wysteria Main Quest Line Guide - Final Bastion
Aug 15, 2011 · Wysteria has a total of 38 quests. Yep! A really short world. Among those quests are 6 regular mob fights and 2 defeat and collect quests.
Here's the Wysteria main quest line guide, to give you courage while you're questing through Wysteria. Have fun questing!

2. Wysteria Main Quest Guide Line | My Personal Wizard101 Wiki | Fandom
1. To The Registrar (talk) 2. Exchange Student (talk) Pigswick Academy 3. The Spiral Cup (explore + talk + explore + (solo: cheating mob) + talk + talk)
Wizard City 1. To The Registrar (talk) 2. Exchange Student (talk) Pigswick Academy 3. The Spiral Cup (explore + talk + explore + (solo: cheating mob) + talk + talk) 4. Bunking With the Enemy (talk 4x + interact + talk) 5. Meet the New Boss (talk) 6. Teacher Teacher (talk 8x) 7. Seek Out the Source (explore + talk) 8. O’Hare-y Situation (talk) Pegasus Place 9. Goblin Up (mob + talk) 10. Hey Verne! (talk) 11. Of Unknown Origin (collect + talk) 12. Lapin It Up (talk) 13. In-Flight Meals (collect +

3. Wizard101 Wysteria Questline - Aquilan Palace
Jun 2, 2021 · In todays blog we show you all the quests in order for Avalon, a huge project the team has been working on and finally completed!
Looking for an amazing Wysteria questline? Well here it is! Provided by Aquilan Palace.

4. All Main Quest Line Guides - Final Bastion
Wizard101 Wysteria Main... · Wizard101 Wizard City Main...
The is the master guide to all of Final Bastion's main quest line guides. Its main purpose is to provide information about what quests you will encounter.

5. Wizard101: All Wysteria Main Quests - Walkthrough Wizard
Jun 7, 2024 · Once you hit level 25, talk to Merle Ambrose to start Wysteria's main questline, and see for yourself.
The Pigswick Academy in Wysteria hosts a dueling tournament, and you, selected as champion by Headmaster Ambrose, become entangled in a conspiracy. To clear your name, you must find the real culprit and win the tournament. Wysteria is a fun homage to Harry Potter, and it's a great way for lower-level wizards to gain experience.

6. Krokotopia Main Quest Guide Line | My Personal Wizard101 Wiki
Wysteria Main Quest Guide Line. Krokotopia Main Quest Guide Line. Edit. Royal Hall. 1. Krokotopia (explore + talk 3x). 2. Digging in the Dirt (talk). 3. Make ...
Royal Hall 1. Krokotopia (explore + talk 3x) 2. Digging in the Dirt (talk) 3. Make Some Rubbings (explore + talk) 4. Fragments of a Key (D&C + talk) 5. The Final Rubbing (boss + talk) 6. Speak to the Assistant (talk) Chamber of Fire 7. Find My Colleague (talk + talk) 8. New Digs (interact + talk) 9. Quarter Master (boss + talk) 10. Back to the Archeologist (talk) Palace of Fire 11. Assault on the Palace (talk) 12. Gather the Troops (talk 5x) 13. Payback (mob + mob + talk) 14. Give ‘Em Another Ro

7. Valencia Part 2 Quest Tree - Aquilan Palace
Jun 24, 2021 · Valencia Part 2 Quest Tree. In todays blog we show you all the quests ... Wizard101 Wysteria Questline · Wizard101 Grizzleheim Questline ...
Looking for an amazing Valencia questline for your pirate? There you go! Provided by Aquilan Palace.

8. Quest Journal – Victoria Fireheart's Wysteria Home (Graphically ...
Jul 28, 2012 · The Wysteria Villa · Victoria Fireheart's · When you enter through the World Gate, you are met with Victoria's welcome sign. · The front of the ...
Decorating A New Home In Wizard 101, each character is allowed to have 3 homes. Victoria Fireheart has her dorm room, Wooded Cottage and last week she was able to acquire a new home from the crown …

9. MooShu Zeke Quest Guide: Blue Oysters | Wizard101 - Swordroll's Blog
Jan 8, 2021 · Search for this Blue Oyster in the Jade Palace outside the Water Dojo on the small center island near a tree. ... Wysteria Zeke Quest Guide: ...
A guide to MooShu's Zeke quest to find the Blue Oysters in Wizard101